This is how I travel light!
I've been in Canada a week today and it's gone by very fast. I had a flight from Dublin last Friday to London then Vancouver. When I arrived in Vancouver I had to wait to be given my visa and then was on my way. I was met at the Airport by some family members and went to stay with them for the weekend.
Premium?? Ye don't think so unfortunately
On Saturday I went to get a new phone as mine didn't work her it was the wrong frequency or something. Most of the other Family members came over on Saturday for dinner and it was great getting to meet them all and I really enjoyed it. I have only ever seen pictures of some of them on Facebook or from my Granny when I was younger. While all the family where over for dinner I watched my first hockey match. I wasn't quite sure what was going on in it but looks like a good sport unfortunately the Canucks lost.
On Sunday I went into the city and went to the Flyover Canada at Canada Place. It's a simulated helicopter ride over Canada. It even has mist and wind and smells too so it feels like you're actually flying over everywhere. The mountains looked gorgeous and it's given me great ideas of places I would like to go to. If you're going to Vancouver I recommend going to this I really enjoyed it even though I'm usually a nervous flyer and afraid of height I was fine on it.
We also took a stroll along the sea wall which is a walking and biking track that goes for miles around the outside of the city and Stanley park. We stopped for a bite to eat and a hot drink then headed back through Gastown to the car then drove to stanley park.
I was so amazed at how big the park is. The view from there are amazing and you can see the Lions Gate Bridge from Prospect Point.
I have since heard that the bridge was actually built by Guinness. Oh I also visited David's Tea which is a tea shop that sells so many flavours I actually can't believe it.
On Monday I headed into the city where I'm now staying in a backpackers hostel. I also sorted out my new bank account which was a little easier then I thought. I settled in at the hostel and had a little look around the area. I have also discovered that there is a Sephora a few minutes away woop, this could be dangerous haha.
Not allowed in here with my card it's too tempting !!
Tuesday it rained all day but I didn't let it stop me, Sure it's only a bit of rain. I wandered around looking at all the huge buildings and ended up at Canada place.
I had a walk around and I think I was the only one there haha. I also went to Gastown which is really nice and saw the Steam Clock.
I was walking past it and it start to whistle a song. It does this every half hour and is a must see so my travel book says so I stopped to record it but the video didn't save so I went back a half an hour later. I know that sounds a little crazy but I had to do it.
I find this city very easy to walk around and not get lost in too much the layout is really easy to navigate and there are sign posts everywhere. I was soaked by the time I got back that evening, my coat had even started to soak through, as soon as I got in and changed I had a cup of Red Velvet tea. If you ever get a chance to visit David's teas try the Red Velvet and the Sweet lime they are amazing.
Wednesday was not so cold and dry out so I went so many places. I was up early and ready to see as much as I can. I went to Yaletown, Coal Harbour, False Creek, then went on a Hop on Hop off sightseeing tour.
Not so great with the selfies
Thursday I went to go to get my phone looked at as I can't make calls without my ends sound going. They told me to keep turning it off and on and see if it helps, it hasn't so I think I have to go back again.
Anyway after that I wanted to visit the museum but ended up taking a wrong turn. I ended up walking for ages down Davie street and eventually ended up at english bay then ended up at Stanley park.
There were some lovely ducs in the water that looked lovely until they came out of the water and chased me, then the seagulls followed, I had to run away fast. Here are some of the perpetrators before they wanted to eat me.
I went for a walk along the Lost Lagoon and what I thought was a cat looking at me was actually a raccoon which then tried to follow me.
I don't know much about racoons like if they are friendly for not so I didn't stay around it long .... actually I may have run away towards a group of people I didn't even know, because yes I am that random weirdo you sometimes come across.
Here he is leaving

Even though I went completely off my plan it turned into a nice day I found some really nice areas I didn't think I would be gone all day but it was really nice. I did have to use my google maps app to find my way back and thanks to google I had to walk up a huge hill but was the most direct way back.
I made it a weeks so far and I've seen so much. I'm having a off all the sightseeing today. I have been very lucky not to have gotten jet lag but today I am feeling a bit tired probably from a busy week so today I am looking up some ideas I have had about what to do next or where I would like to go or live or work all of those things haha.
I'm not sure if this means the same thing here!
When I went out for dinner I padded this bus and couldn't stop giggling to myself I'm such a child somethings. So so far I've settled in nicely apart from always forgetting the code for the door and have to ask at reception and only realising after being here for five days that I actually don't know the names of anyone in my room even though we talk to each other everyday or not knowing where the light switch is ( it's behind the coat rack ... clever).
If you want to follow me on twitter to keep up with everything I'm doing follow me HERE or on Facebook , Instagram or snapchat : neadsk