Sunday, 9 February 2014

My Week

So my week started off a bit crap having to start a course of antibiotics for an infection. But this week it was also my birthday and got some lovely presents and cake from my sisters and parents. My younger sister made my cake which was so delicious it was chocolate and vanilla butter cream decorated with chocolate and she even put my name on it.

From my sisters I got and e-reader and am so delighted with it because I have been looking at buying one for myself but wasn't really sure which to get but they got me a great one and have already put some Nicholas Sparks books on it and started to read one.

My Mam and Dad got me a drawer unit that I have been looking at in Ikea. I want it to fit under a little desk I have. They asked me what I would like and it's all I could think of haha. Anyway I'm happy to finally be able to sort out some of my things into it and now all I have to do is reorganize the area to put it in.

I also joined slimming world this week. I had been a member before but left when I was losing track of things when I was busy and having some problems with my stomach so decided to give it a break and now that I am back on medication and my stomach is finally feeling a little better I thought it was time to go back. I am trying to stick to the plan as best I can which I find hard when on antibiotics because they give me such bad heartburn and a false hunger. I am eating a lot of fruit and free food to help stay on track. I have sort of set my self a goal for the next 27 weeks. I hope I am not being to ambitious but I know if I put my mind to it I can do it. My hope is to lose 2 pounds a week but I would still be happy to lose 1 as well. I am going to do my best and really try this time and hopefully it works well for me I even got some raspberry today which I'm not sure I even like but I'm determined to start eating more fruits and veg even just one new one at a time. My first weigh in is on Thursday and today I am planning all my meals and am even making some to freeze for the day's that I don't feel like cooking. I always do better when I'm really prepared.

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