As I'm clearing out old stuff I'm replacing it with new stuff for travelling. The cycle never ends. I bought some practical stuff this week as well as some fun travel accessories.
First if all I got this purple zebra print travel pillow and matching luggage tag in Dunnes Stores for €8 for the pillow and €3 for the tags. I just love the print and the way the pillow is filled with little beans. I got one last year that was memory foam and at first I found it comfortable but after a while I just found it uncomfortable and irritating, it felt like a rock around my neck or something. I'm hoping for better luck with this one. I saw them in pink as well but went for the purple as someone pointed out that most of my stuff is pink ....woops.
I also got two packs of vest tops and a pack of socks in Lidl for great prices. I'm genuinely impressed with the quality of the vests and socks. The tops came in packs of 3 with either mint green, pink and white or blue, yellow and grey and also a 3 pack of black but I didn't get those ones. They only cost €6.99 for a pack and came in loads of sizes.I even picked my sister up a packed while I was there and she was delighted with them. I love vest tops they come in so handy for when a top is a little to low for my liking, a little too sort which I always find and hate or when I'm wearing a sheer top or blouse. The socks came in a pack of 7 for €3.99 and came in a couple of different sizes, I got size 21/2 to 5 even thought I'm a six and a half but I got socks there before in a bigger size and they where too big. They colours are lovely and bright and a change form just plain black and white, and well you can never have enough socks.
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