Over the last year I have had some good times and some low and have learned some very good lessons from it all. So here is a list of things I have learned.
- Never let anyone make me feel like I don't matter. When someone treats me badly it says more about them then it does about me.
- Putting myself out of my comfort zone can help me achieve things I never thought I could but I am still afraid of heights.
- That I can live out of a suitcase and that I don't actually need a million possessions. But they are nice to have.
- There are some that will always be there for me when I need them and some that wont.
- I don't always need others to do things for me and that I am capable of a lot more then I think.
- Getting a random tattoo on the inside of my lip is probably not the wisest choice I have ever made but was a bit of fun at the time.
- Always go with my gut instinct it's usually right.
- Just because I haven't planned it doesn't mean it wont work out well.
- Not to let anyone drag me into their problems because it is just that, their problems not mine.
- This is the most important of them all to me. That when people lie about something they will try to convince as many people as they can that they haven't but all lies have a way of falling apart in the end so don't ever worry about it when you are the one that was in the right because you know the truth and eventually so will everyone else. Always think positive.